
Inviting advertisers to a news portal about greenhouses, vegetables and salads

როგორ მივიღო მონაწილეობა?

If you are interested in the possibility of placing your advertising on our news portal dedicated to the topic of greenhouses, vegetables and salads, we invite you to contact Viktor Kovalev by e-mail at i@viktorkovalev.ru . Victor is an experienced editor who will be happy to answer your questions and help with the placement of your publication.

რატომ უნდა შევუერთდე?

We have the largest audience on our portal, which makes the opportunity to advertise here attractive to you. This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge with a wide audience, establish contacts with other experts in the field, and also receive well-deserved recognition for your work. Advertising on our portal will also allow you to contribute to the development of the greenhouse industry, help others improve their skills and knowledge.

So if you have something to say about greenhouses, vegetables and greens, don’t miss your chance! Write to the mail, share your research and become a part of our community, where the knowledge and experience of each participant are appreciated. We are looking forward to your fascinating materials!

We invite you to become a part of our portal and use it as a platform to promote your ideas and products. Our team is ready to support you in this creative process and help you achieve your goals. Don’t miss the opportunity to become a part of our community!

The team of the news portal about greenhouses, vegetables and salads.

კეთილი იყოს თქვენი დაბრუნება!

შესვლა თქვენს ანგარიშზე ქვემოთ

შექმენით ახალი ანგარიში!

რეგისტრაციისთვის შეავსეთ ქვემოთ მოცემული ფორმები

თქვენი პაროლის აღდგენა

გთხოვთ, შეიყვანოთ თქვენი სახელი ან ელ.ფოსტის მისამართი, თქვენი პაროლის გადატვირთვისთვის.